Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Week 9

This week we spent the whole time working in dreamweaver on our websites.  We got a few reminders about what to do which seemed to help a lot and I began actually understanding what I was doing.  For my website I made a "fake" website about me as a teacher.  It is supposed to be a place that parents and students can find information and keep in contact with me. 

Week 8

This week we began learning about creating a website through then we went on to learning how to create our own website with dreamweaver.  In the beginning I found it frustrating to sue bighugelabs because you pretty much had to pay for everything.  Also, I'd never used dreamweaver so this was all new to me and as the class went on it seemed to make a little more sense.  We are supposed to finish our websites next week.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 7

This week was supposed to be geared towards ipads, but instead we had different stations in the class.  One of them had a station for Ipads, one for Ipods, one was for working with the smartboard, and the last was at the teachers station to familiarize ourselves with the technology used there.  We were also to create a lesson plan using one of the apps on the Ipad.  My group had a lesson that used photobooth and students were to take pictures and essentially create an about me poster.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 6

During this week in class we learned about podcasts.  I learned that there are so many podcasts out there that can provide a wealth of information as well as some for I'd say any interest someone might have!  After browsing through podcasts were were instructed to use GarageBand to create our own educational podcast.  It was 2-3 minutes, included a voice over, music, and pictures.  I chose to do one about stretching.  I explained how it is important to stretch before physical activity and gave different types of stretches that can be done.  I thought it was fun when we were able to search around to check out different podcasts, but because there was so much out there I will have to look into it another time if I really want to find anything worthwhile.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 5

I was not in class this week, as I was in Las Vegas for a wedding.  We also went to the Grand Canyon which was a great time! Looking at the website to see what I missed I noticed the class did in class discussions and went over: Information Technology Literacy and NETS Standards.

Week 4

This week in class we were introduced to Google Earth.  I have looked through this program some before, but not like we did in class.  I really liked looking at familiar addresses on here like my parents or my house.  For our project we were to create a sort of map with 5 different places, add pictures, and information about the places in Oregon.  I chose to do different skiing and snowboarding destinations in Oregon because I enjoy these things.  We had a sub this week and was disappointed that after all my hard work the way we were instructed to save our work did not actually save.

Week 3

During this class we learned that we would be using I-movie to create a video on an idea or product we would be promoting.  The one that my group chose was the effects/dangers of drinking while pregnant.  I had never used I-movie and was glad to have this opportunity.  I realized that it was much harder than I thought to shoot, direct, and create a 30 second video.  Although, I learned some valuable things while doing so, such as, how to shoot with a green screen and insert a background.  The time alloted in class was limited, therefore we need to finish our video at a later date.